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Mutual Trust Bank Ltd. Recruitment Test for Management Trainee Examination Held On: 16.06.2017 || 2017

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1. জলবায়ু পরিবর্তনের বিরূপ প্রভাব গটা দেশে পড়লেও দক্ষিন পশ্চিমাঞ্চলই যে সবচেয়ে বেশি আক্রান্ত, সে বিষয়ে সন্দেহ নেই। একাধিক কারণে সেখানকার মানুষের জীবন জিবীকা মারাত্মক হুমকির মুখে পড়বে। দেশের অন্যত্র জনসংখ্যা বাড়লেও জীবিকার পথ বন্ধ হয়ে যাওয়ায় খুলনা এলাকার এক দশকের জনসংখ্যা ৬০ হাজার কমে গেছে । উপকূলীয় বেড়ি বাধ ভেঙ্গে কৃষি জমিতে লবন পানি প্রবেশ করলেও প্রতিকারের ব্যবস্থা নেওয়া হয়নি। বরং প্রভাবশালী চিংড়ি চাশীরা বাদ কেটে দিয়ে ফের লোনাপানি ঢুকিয়ে বাগদা চিংডির চাষ করছেন। লবনাক্ততার কারণে সামাজিক ভাবে দক্ষিন পশ্চিমাঞ্চলে, জীব বৈচিত্র্য , পরিবেশ , কৃষি ও মাংস সম্পদ ধ্বংস হছে। লবনাক্ততা কমাতে হলে উজান থেকে মিষ্টি পানির প্রবাহ বাড়াতে হবে, বন্ধ করতে হবে সমুদ্রের লবন পানির প্রবেশ। এর পাশাপাশি শুকিয়ে যাওয়া নদীগুলো খনন করে নাব্যতা বাড়াতেহবে । সম্প্রতিক কালে দক্ষিন পশ্চিমাঞ্চলে সীমিত পর্যায়ে লবনাক্ততা সহনীয় ধান উৎপাদন করা হলেও কৃষক খুব বেশি লাভবান হচ্ছে না। এই ধানের মান আরও বাড়াতে হবে। অন্যদিকে এই অঞ্চলে কৃষিজমিতে যাতে কেউ লবন পানি ঢুকিয়ে চিংড়ি চাষ করতে না পারে, সে জন্য কঠোর আইন প্রণয়ন করতে হবে।

Created: 1 year ago | Updated: 11 months ago

Undoubtedly the south-western region of the country has been affected mostly, although the adverse effects of climate change fell upon the whole country. Life and livelihood of the people these area is facing extreme threat due to many reasons. The number of population has bee lessened by sixty thousand in Khulna due to shutting down the livelihood though population of the other area has been increased during the last decade. Remedial steps have not been taken though salted water encroached on the farmland breaking the coastal bank Rather influential sham cultivator are cultivating lobsters penetrating salted water cutting the dam of the bank. Because this salinity the variety of animal kingdom, environment, agriculture and fish resources of sout west part of the country are being destroyed on the whole. In order to reduce salinity the flow of sweet water from the upstream course has to be increased and the entrance of the salty sea water hi to be blocked. At the same time dried up rivers are also to be dug / excavated to increase the navigability. In spite of the limited production of salinity tolerant rice in the southwestern regions recent times, the farmers are getting a little benefit. The quality of this rice has to be upgraded. On the other hand, a strict law must be enacted to restrict the production of shrimps by letting / allowing salty sea water on the farmlands of that region.

10 months ago

Environmental pollution is defined as any adverse change in the environment brought on by the introduction of contaminants. It has been around as long as human civilizations have, as evidence by soot found on the ceilings of prehistoric caves and core samples of glacial ice that show signed pollution dating from ancient times. The industrial revolution and globalization have resulted in exponential growth in pollution, making it a key environmental and political issue which we, as species, have only relatively recently started to tackle in a reasonably effective manner. The modern age had also brought us new kinds of pollution in addition to reinvigorating the more traditions ones, finally forced us to take the problem seriously and try to reduce our harmful effect our surroundings, aptly called the ecological footprint.

Air pollution is defined as the contamination of air by harmful gases, smoke or radiation Carbon, sulfur and nitrogen oxides are the most prevalent and are considered the most harmful air pollutants. partly due to their large quantities always being present in the atmosphere. They are produced by vehicle exhausts, the burning of fuel, radiation spills and nuclear accidents. pollution is linked to asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses. Adopting alternative energy sources can improve air quality by decreasing the amount of airborne pollutants. Replacing fossil fuels with cleaner renewable energy sources would decrease the production of carbon dioxide. Another way to combat air pollution would be to reduce the burning of sulphur-rich coal and gas as this would lower the levels of sulphur-dioxide and nitrogen oxide in the atmosphere, Causes of environmental pollution. 

  • Pollution from cars, trucks, and other vehicles is and has been our major environmental pollution issue for almost a century now. The problem is we did not realize this until the problem had manifested to monumental proportions.
  • Fossil fuel emissions from power plants which burn coul as fuel contributed heavily, along with vehicles burning fossil fuels, to the production of smog. Smog is the result of fossil fuel combustion combined with sunlight and heat. The result is a toxic gas which now surrounds our once pristine planet. This is known as "ozone smog" and means we have more problems down here than we do in the sky.
  • Carbon dioxide is another product from all of the vehicles on the planet as well as unreformed power plants and other industrial facilities. A continually growing population of humans and clear cutting of forests has exacerbated this problem so natural defenses are no longer present and carbon dioxide levels are on the rise.
  • Water is a major issue. Many industries dump wastes into rivers, lakes, ponds, and streams in an attempt to hide wastes from EPA inspectors. These water sources feed major crops and food becomes contaminated with a variety of chemicals and bacteria, causing rampant health problems.
  • Radiation comes into play as well. This is an exceedingly nasty pollution issue and requires extensive description, Primarily, there is radiation from the sun. As the natural ozone layer around the Earth has become depleted. The sun is wonderful, but the only reason we are able to survive on this planet so close to the sun is due to the fact of natural shielding against solar radiation. As the protective ozone layer around the planet has become thinner, ultraviolet radiation has risen significantly, causing increases in skin cancers and other types of cancer in all countries, killing millions of people every year.
  • More radiation is a problem. The sun shining brightly on a naked planet is not the only source of radiation we are exposed to. Electromagnetic radiation is another insidious culprit. Once upon a time, the major concern around this type of radiation was due to high tension wires which carry huge amounts of electricity to cities. Now, we even carry sources of this radiation with us as cell phones, laptops, tablets and other wireless devices. Solutions to Environmental Pollution
  • Gas emission pollution is being mitigated in a variety of ways with car emission control, electric and hybrid vehicles and public transportation systems. Not all major cities have successful and decent public transportation in place, but the world is working on this issue constantly and we have managed to reduce emissions profoundly over the last There is much catching up to do.
  • The cost radioactive power plants is be corning apparent and the days of coal power plants are nearly dead. The radiation is a serious issue. Radioactive leakage from power plants and nuclear testing have already contaminated oceanic life to such a degree that it will take hundreds of years to return to normal. More radiation solutions are in the works with various ecologically friendly power technologies being built every day. 
  • Solar power is a fantastic solution. Now that solar radiation is at a climactic peak, we can rea power from the sun using solar panel systems. These range from home systems to larger systems powering entire communities and cities.
  • Wind power is coming into play. This may not seem like much at first, but when you get abou 100 feet off the ground, there is a great deal of wind up there. By building wind turbines to harvest natural wind energy, electricity is produced. Wind turbine power and solar power are both powerful forces against fossil fuel power and radioactive power. The one problem power companies. They want to stay with radioactive power plants, because they actually can' be removed. It has become the crusades of many individuals and small corporations to make the switch and there are plenty of people following this as populations cry out for help.
  • Electromagnetic radiation reduction. Once major manufacturers of computers and electronic devices realized the blatant potential for huge ER emissions directly into the eyes and brains of users, they started to implement hardware protocols to minimize risks and reduce ER production significantly. Newer devices are in the lead to knock this problem out and fortunately, this is working. 

Conclusion: awareness should be created through mass-media among people about the effects of different type's pollution. Green financing by different commercial banks is crucial for lessening the environmental pollution. Banks should invest more on environment-friendly technology. Government should take up rubbish recycling program so that that rubbishes can be utilized for the generation of electricity. 

10 months ago

16 June 2023

Mr. Md. Mahidul Islam C/O: Md. Anwar Hossain,

Tepra, Shibalaya, Manikgonj-1850.

Dear Sir,

I am pleased to write to you about loan you asked for. It's been five years you were in with our banking and you flourished your business as well as your financial ground with the help of our Branch. You had taken substantial amount of outstanding from our branch. But due to higher rate of interest and higher loan processing fees, it's not easy or convenient to receive loan from our Branch. So, I think it's not wise decision to take 500,000 Tk. with such a higher rate of interest. As our head office is reviewing the rate of interest as per the guideline of Bangladesh Bank, I hope.we will be able to offer you a reduced rate of interest very soon. I very much appreciate you and your consideration of loan request.

Sincerely Yours

Md. Shafiqul Islam


'X' Bank Ltd.

'Y' Branch, Dhaka.

10 months ago

BREXIT and its impact on Bangladesh Economy

Brexit is an abbreviation for "British exit." which refers to the June 23, 2016, referendum whereby British citizens voted to exit the European Union. The referendum roiled global markets, including currencies, causing the British pound to fall to its lowest level in decades: Prime Minister David Cameron, who supported the United Kingdom remaining in the European Union, announced his plans to step down in October 2016, as a result.

The European Union represents 6% of the world's population But it accounts for more than 20% of global imports and exports. The EU emerges as the leading trade power in the world today. As such, it exhibits a strong interest in creating conditions in which trade can prosper. The European Union is specially committed to supporting developing countries' efforts to integrate into the trading system and to help them reap the benefits of market opening, giving them a hand where needed (Europa, 2004). The European Union applies this particularly trade policy to the poorest countries, for which the of globalization remain elusive. Furthermore, the European Union aims at free but fair world trade. The EUs trade policy now covers a broader canvas, beyond trade liberalization. It is about updating and improving international rules and giving trade partner countries a wider coverage to ensure fair trade and harnessed globalization.

Like the other LDCs, Bangladesh gets more trading benefit from the European Union. The EU works closely with Bangladesh in the framework of the EU-Bangladesh co- operation agreement since in 1976. This agreement provides broad scope for cooperation extending to trade and economic development, human rights, good governance, and the environment. Enhanced market access to the EU and an improved trading environment, the EU has provided the Generalized System of Preference (GSP) for Bangladesh. As such Bangladesh always enjoyed the advantage of duty and generally quota free access to the EU market. Export sector of Bangladesh has undergone structural changes in the decade of 80 in the last century with a significant shift from jute-centered exports to readymade garments and knitwear. The main items that Bangladesh exports to the EU are ready-made garments (90%), frozen food (6%) and others (4%) cover leather and leather goods, pharmaceutical product, and tea RMG, ready-made gurment, industry has virtually thriven in the competitive advantage of a quota free access to the EU market. Moreover, the EC's autonomous decision to grant dury and quota free access to all products produced in the less developed countries (with the exception of arms) comes up with new perspectives for Bangladesh. The main imports from the EU consist of transport equipment, textile and textile articles, food stuffs, beverages and tobacco, machinery and appliances, and chemical products. The balance of trade with EU, over the years, remained hugely in favor of Bangladesh.

Conclusion: The United Kingdom has finally decided to leave the European Union (EU) as per results of a referendum. Although it is still too early to predict the fallout of the Brexit which means British exit, it's true that the tumbling of the British pound to a 31- year low will affect trading of like It's true that it could put a negative impact on the Bangladeshi exports to the UK, which is the third largest export destination for Bangladesh products.

Bangladesh would have to go for bilateral negotiation to avail trade facilities. But then if the Brexit brings positive results for the economy of the UK it would not hit Bangladeshi exports, but if the exit leads to any adverse impact on the economies of the UK and the EU then the South Asian country. Bangladesh enjoys duty-free benefits for all products and flexible rules of origins for readymade garments in the EU. Due to Brexit, Bangladesh would have to need bilateral agreements to avail the the UK. If any crisis takes place in the economy of EU and UK due to Brexit, it will hit hard Bangladeshi export business. 

10 months ago

Bangladesh is full of natural beauty, Rivers, coasts and beaches, archaeological sites, religio places, hills, forests, waterfalls, tea gardens surround it. The Sundarban, Historic Mosque in city Bagerhat. Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara at Paharpur are the three world heritage sites in Banglades among 1007. To observe the beauty of nature, huge amount of domestic and foreign tourists visit country and its tourist attraction sites. In 2012, around six-lakh (6 hundred thousand) tourists can Bangladesh to visit and enjoy its beauty. The total contribution of tourism to GDP was 4.4%, 3 to employment and 15% to investment in 2013, Bangladesh Parjatan Corporation (BPC) looks afe the tourism sector in Bangladesh under the ministry of Civil Aviation and Tourism. Due to som limitations, Bangladesh has failed to introduce itself as a tourist destination country. The paper th to focus on the attractive tourist spots of Bangladesh and the contribution of tourism in t Bangladesh economy. The major concern of the writer is to highlight the factors by which Bangladesh can be one of the major tourist attractive country in the world in near future.

Tourism in Bangladesh is a slowly developing foreign currency carner. The country has much attract international and domestic tourists Bangladesh's tourist attractions include archaeological sites, historical mosques and monuments, resort beaches, picnic spots, forests and tribal people, wildlife of various species. Bangladesh offers ampe opportunities to tourists for angling, water skiing, river cruising, hiking, rowing, yachting, sea bathing a well as bringing one in close touch with pristine nature. Lonely Planet ranked Bangladesh as the be value destination for the year 2011. In the northern pan. comprising the Rajshahi division, there are archaeological sites, including the temple city Puthia in Rajshahi; the largest and most ancient archaeological site, Mahasthangarha Bogra, the single largest Buddhist monastery, Paharpur in Naogaon; the most ornamenta terracota Hindu temple in Bangladesh Kantaji Temple, and many Rajbaris or palaces old zamindars.

In the south-western part, mainly the Khulna Division, there is the Sundarbans, the largest mangrov forest of the world with Royal Bengal Tiger and spotted deer. The historically and architecturally important sixty domed mosque in Bagerhat is a notable site.

In the south-eastern part, which is the Chittagong division, there are natural and hilly area like Chittagong Hill Tracts, along with sandy sea beaches. The most notable beach, in Cox's Bazar is a contender for the title of longest unbroken sandy sea beach in the world.

In the north-eastern part, Sylhet division, there is a green carpet of tea plants on small hillocks Natural reserved forests are great attractions. Migratory birds in winter. particularly the haor areas, are also very attractive in this area.

In 2004, the US Department of State estimated the daily cost of staying in Dhaka at $191. Also a brief recommendation of my rationalization findings has been presented for furthe consideration of tourism industry perspective. I hope my effort will be highly appreciated by t service industry in Bangladesh.

Nature of Tourism: Tourism is a service industry. It has become a very complex activ encompassing a wide range of relationships. Resulting in the improvements in standard of living an disposable income with more leisure time, the overall numbers of tourists are expected to gro further. Factors like convenient transport, no restrictions on travel, availability of information various tourist spots and new marketing techniques contributed the growth of overall number tourists in the present world. Additionally, a number of socio-demographic factors such as high educational standards, advancement in information technology, rapid urbanization have strongly influenced the growth of tourism.

Importance of tourism: Tourism is an important driver of economic growth. Besides this, People have an opportunity to exchange culture. Tourism can earn huge amount of foreign currency. Tourism can support the Balance of Payment (BOP) of a country. Tourism can create employment. Impact of tourism: Tourism can bring many economic, social and environmental benefits, particularly in rural areas and developing countries, yet mass tourism is also associated with negative effects. Tourism can only be sustainable if it is carefully managed so that probable negative effects on the host community and the environment are not permitted to outweigh the financial benefits.

There are economic, socio-cultural and environmental key benefits of tourism.

i) Economic benefit: Tourism can provide direct jobs to the community, such as tour guides and hotel housekeeping. Indirect employment is generated through other industries like agriculture. food production and retail. Infrastructure development and visitors' expenditure generates income for the local community and can lead to the alleviation of poverty. 

ii) Social benefit: In addition to the revenue, tourism can bring about a real sense of pride and identity to communities. It allows them to look at their history, and community identity. This helps the local residents to maintain their tradition and culture.

iii) Environmental benefit: Tourism provides financial support for the conservation of ecosystems and natural resource management, making the destination more authentic and desirable to visitors.

Negative effects of tourism are also not ignorable. These are:

 i) Negative economic effect: Jobs created by tourism are often seasonal and poorly paid, yet tourism can push up local property prices and the cost of goods and services. Place of tourism can be affected by terrorism.

ii) Negative social effect: Visitor's behavior can have a detrimental effect on the quality of life of the host community. For example, crowding and congestion, drugs and alcohol problems can occur. Interaction with tourists can also lead to an erosion of traditional cultures and values.

 iii) environmental effect: Tourism poses a threat to a region's culture and natural through overuse.

10 months ago
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